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News > Latin America

Evo Morales Leads Celebrations for Day of Agrarian Revolution

  • Bolivian President Evo Morales

    Bolivian President Evo Morales | Photo: EFE

Published 2 August 2017

Indigenous and campesino groups join President Evo Morales in celebrating Bolivia's agricultural achievements.

Bolivian President Evo Morales is leading celebrations to commemorate the Day of the Agrarian Revolution, with the presence of thousands of representatives of campesinos, Indigenous and women's organizations, among others.

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In 2007, the Bolivian government created the Day of the Agrarian, Productive and Community Revolution, which is celebrated every year on Aug. 2 in different cities across the country.

Morales was to head the main event of the day in the Tarabuco municipality of Chuquisaca department, considered the cradle of the Indigenous Yampara culture.

The Indigenous socialist leader was expected to make important announcements in favor of small producers, according to Jacinto Herrera of the Unified Trade Union of Farm Workers. Throughout Morales' tenure, the country has made "significant progress in human rights and equality," Herrera said. 

"Today marks the commemoration of the Day of Agrarian, Productive and Community Revolution in #Chuquisaca that was instituted in 2007."

"In our times, August 2 is the day of anti-imperialism, all for our sovereignty and dignity."

In January 2006, the government regulated the price of agricultural products, preventing speculation and guaranteeing market supply.

Within the last decade, access to land for peasants grew from 10 to 80 percent, according to Rural Development Minister Cesar Cocarico. Within the same time period, access to land for the private sector fell from 70 to 20 percent.

Morales' government has also increased the delivery of land titles from 26,000 to 882,000, 46 percent correspond to women, who previously had no rights to land tenure.

Today, 111 million acres belong to communal properties and campesinos, while only 9.8 million acres belong to private agricultural enterprises.

Morales has invested about US$300 million in a variety of productive programs to avoid large-scale migration to the cities, allowing 300,000 people to return to rural areas, according to Cocarico.

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