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News > Ecuador

Ecuador's Ex-President Rafael Correa on UNASUR 'Disintegration'

  • "There are many governments that want to please Washington and everything is valid to be against Venezuela," Correa said. | Photo: EFE

Published 16 March 2019

"At this point in time, to please Washington, as he is an agent of Washington,  (Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno) will support everything he believes to be against Venezuela."

In 2008 the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) was created as part of the dream of creating a regional alliance, with the presence of the presidents such as Rafael Correa, Alvaro Uribe, Hugo Chavez, Alan Garcia, Lula da Silva, Cristina Fernandez, Michelle Bachelet and Evo Morales.

Ecuador Suspends Participation in UNASUR, To Formally Withdraw

On Monday, the Ecuadorean government, led by President Lenin Moreno, formalized the decision to suspend its participation and withdraw from the Constitutional Treaty of Unasur thereby leaving the bloc. Former President Rafael Correa, the leader of the redistributive political process known as the Citizens Revolution, commented on the decision of withdrawing Ecuador from UNASUR, which threatens to dissassemble the bloc completely.

During an interview with NODAL, Correa said, Lenin Moreno decided to leave UNASUR "at this point in time, to please Washington, as he is a vassal agent of Washington, (Moreno) will support everything he believes to be against Venezuela."

Moreno should be backing UNASUR according to the government plan voted upon by the Ecuadorean people in 2017, Correa said. At that time, Moreno, as candidate of the Citizens Revolution, was trusted with the dutry of supporting the Latin American integration through UNASUR and CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).

"That is what the Ecuadorian people approved at the polls in 2017. But we have a traitor as president. All state agencies have been taken and no one then enforces the law," said Correa on his interview with NODAL.

Some of the Latin American countries are proposing the construction of PROSUR, a new "integration" project simliar to UNASUR, but with the principle purpose of excluding Venezuela. This idea was proposed by presidents Ivan Duque (Colombia) and Sebastian Piñera (Chile.)

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Correa was one of the presidents who fought hardest for the creation of regional, incllusive organizations. The former president denounced the decision, saying, "There are many governments that want to please Washington and everything against Venezuela is valid, even the sacrifice of something that should go beyond ideological barriers, which should be a common denominator as is integration.

"There is a new Plan Condor (plan used to chase left-wing, socialism and communism in Latin America during the decades of dictatorships in the region). A "Plan Condor 2, (where) nothing is respected anymore, there are no limits or scruples. Democracy is broken, the constitutional order is broken, human rights are broken," said Correa.

Over the last 15 years with National Popular Governments in the region, there is a change in the tide which has seen right-wing and even far-right governments in power in the continent.

"We said it at that time, about five years ago, back in 2014. We said we were facing a new right-wing that has already overcome the daze that left a decade of defeat after defeat. They have speeches, unlimited resources, national and international articulation, and we used to call it the conservative restoration. But to tell the truth, we fell short. A couple of years later, faced with the brutality of that reaction, we can call it the Plan Condor 2."


Rafael Correa
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