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News > Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic: Increase Connectivity for Education System

  • Education Minister of the Dominican Republic Angel Hernandez. Jul. 17, 2023.

    Education Minister of the Dominican Republic Angel Hernandez. Jul. 17, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@telelatinatv2

Published 17 July 2023

To make education management visible, the MINRED has developed "Dialogue Tables," where regional leaders and school districts coordinate to resolve any conflict that arises in the educational centers.

According to the national media, the Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic (MINRED) will bring connectivity to 3,200 educational centers. In a press conference, the minister of the sector, Angel Hernandez, reported that so far, 368 schools in the country have been connected to the Internet. He stressed that this will make the national educational system more efficient.

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The news was released during the meeting that the MINRED held with the regional and district directors of the schools in the South region, the first to benefit from this initiative.

"Everyone made an effort to do their best, despite the circumstances. The best thing about this year is that the children have achieved their learning skills," said Hernandez during the meeting, referring to the challenge that the pandemic and economic problems have posed to the successful achievement of the 2022-2023 school year.

For the 2023–2024 academic year, the Ministry of Education seeks to increase access to new technologies and integrate them into academic programs. This initiative was designed in order to guarantee greater opportunities to update the educational model and promote the democratization and universalization of knowledge among vulnerable school populations.

The Ministry of Education announced that it is carrying out work to install internet in the country's schools. The head of the institution, Ángel Hernández, said that the goal is to "bring connectivity to the classrooms of 3,200 educational centers."

The minister also urged for the increase and dedication of educational personnel, especially at district offices, where directors, including those of schools, "must have primary contact with students."

To make education management visible, the MINRED has developed "Dialogue Tables," where regional leaders and school districts coordinate to resolve any conflict that arises in the educational centers.

"That is precisely one of the points that we are discussing in the agreement that we will soon sign with the Dominican Association of Teachers (ADP). The dialogue tables are a key mechanism so that any conflict can have a quick solution," added the minister.

Other issues discussed at the meeting included the school Mobility Plan. It consists of providing safe and free transportation to students. Hernandez assured that the program will continue to expand throughout the country, explaining that 300 more buses will be added next year to the 70 current ones. To support this state infrastructure, 600 diesel and 300 electric buses will be tendered in the future.

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