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News > Cuba

Danny Glover Visits Cuba to Build Cultural Bridges

  • Danny Glover meeting President Diaz-Canel on Monday.

    Danny Glover meeting President Diaz-Canel on Monday. | Photo: Granma

Published 23 July 2019

Danny Glover has visited Cuba a number of times, including in 2011 when he came to support a series of Afro-Cuban cultural events. 

U.S. actor and UNICEF ambassador Danny Glover has returned to Cuba, meeting President Miguel Diaz-Canel in the hope of building cultural ties between the two countries, despite increasing aggression from the White House.


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Cuban state media have reported that Glover and President Diaz-Canel met Monday, where they discussed the importance of artistic and historical ties between the two countries. They acknowledged that these cultural achievements are under threat as the Trump administration ramps up aggression against Cuba.

Glover also visited the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples. “The loved American actor Danny Glover visited on Monday the headquarters of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), where his first vice president, Noemi Rabaza, gave him a fraternal welcome. #Cuba,” the institute said through its Twitter account. 

Danny Glover has visited Cuba a number of times, including in 2011 when he came to support a series of Afro-Cuban cultural events. He has also been outspoken in his support for progressive governments in the region.

Responding to the parliamentary coup d’etat in Venezuela in February 2019 by opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido, Glover spoke to the Real News Network, condemning Washington's interference in the country and its economic sanctions.

The U.S. has “taken the billions of dollars that rightfully belonged to the Venezuelan people, [and] placed sanctions on it. They can’t use their own money on resources. And then [the U.S.] come along as this knight in shining armor to save them [Venezuela] with a few million dollars of — quote, unquote — humanitarian aid, which we don’t know where that money goes,” he told the media outlet at the time. 

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