reset relations through NAFTA renegotiations.">
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News > Latin America

Colombian Government Invites Peña Nieto for Multilateral Talks

  • Peña Nieto was among several heads of state in attendance at Duque's inauguration.

    Peña Nieto was among several heads of state in attendance at Duque's inauguration. | Photo: EFE FILE

Published 8 August 2018

Meanwhile, President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) has written to U.S. President Donald Trump to reset relations through NAFTA renegotiations.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who attended Colombian President Ivan Duque's inauguration with Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray, will reportedly hold a meeting with the new president in the near future.

AMLO To Trump: Let's Negotiate NAFTA, Reset Relations

Peña Nieto was invited by the Colombian Government to have dialogue to address issues of bilateral, regional and multilateral relations at the upcoming meeting. Colombia leads Mexico's Pacific Alliance commercial partners but is second in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Meanwhile, President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) has written to U.S. President Donald Trump to reset relations through renewed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations, in last July. Canada is the third party in the deal talks, in which the other parties have resorted to trading barbs recently.

"Prolonging the uncertainty could stop investment in the medium and long-term, which clearly would challenge economic growth," AMLO wrote in the letter to TrRump.

Last year, Videgaray had said Mexico's bilateral trade exceeded some US$4.8 billion dollars.

Peña Nieto was in attendance at the ceremony which hosted 10 heads of state and other delegates from across 27 countries, according to the Mexican Foreign Ministry.

At 42-years-old, former Senator Ivan Duque has become the second youngest president in the history of Colombia after Eustorgio Salgar, who came to power at 39 in 1872.

Duque succeeds Juan Manuel Santos, who served two consecutive periods of four years each. 

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