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China Displays 5G Tech Advances at Chengdu Internet Convention

  • A 5G sign at the Tencent Global Digital Ecosystem Summit in Kunming, Yunnan province, China May 23, 2019.

    A 5G sign at the Tencent Global Digital Ecosystem Summit in Kunming, Yunnan province, China May 23, 2019. | Photo: Reuters

Published 28 May 2019

Partnerships between Huawei and universities across the world, the characteristics of the local market and collaboration-driven innovation provide China with competitive advantages in the Tech Cold War.

At the 7th Internet Audio and Video Convention, which opened Tuesday in Chengdu city, Sichuan Province, Chinese companies displayed their advances in the 5G technology, which is the next generation of wireless networks to serve consumers and digitalization of industries and has been the latest issue of conflict in the trade war between the U.S. and China. 


China Will Protect Its Companies from US Trade War Threat

At this two-day event, which is expected to attract more than 6,000 attendees from all over the world, nearly 40 forums, exhibitions and conferences will take place to discuss new trends in product innovation and integrated development.

The Hubei Province authorities reported the construction of more than 300 base stations of 5G, a policy which will be extended across the country to familiarize citizens with this technology and test products.​​​

"By setting this stations network we were able to fully cover all of its cities at the prefectural level with the 5G signal," said a source at the China Mobile company which was responsible for installing this technology in the area.

In these experimental centers, citizens will have to learn about the close relationship existing between 5G products and everyday life, said the telecommunications company cited by local media.

China is at the forefront in 5G development and implementation, which has worried President Donald Trump's administration, who fears the U.S. could be overtaken by the Asian network.

In an attempt to keep up with the tech race, Washington has attacked Huawei, the Chinese telecom network maker which was included in the U.S. blacklist of companies due to "national security" reasons.

The U.S. alleges that Huawei is a potential espionage threat due to its close ties with President Xi Jinping administration. Although the company has repeatedly denied it is controlled by the Chinese military or intelligence services, the issue became a flashpoint in the U.S. trade war against the Asian nation.

"The 5G is not an atomic bomb; it is something that benefits society. We should not be the target of the United States just because we are ahead of them," the Huawei president, Ren Zhengfei, said and noting that if the U.S. has not developed this technology, "where would we steal it from?"​​​​​​​

Huawei has been collaborating with universities around the world to deliver its technologies training, encourage students to get its certification and “develop talents with practical skills for the Information Communications Technology (ICT) industry,"  the China Global Television Network (CGTN) commented, as Reuters reported.

“Huawei will win the war of innovation, which comes mainly from the collision of ideas. College students are more likely to think outside the box before their minds are restrained by industrial jargon and 'common sense' ... Huawei has its unique competitive advantage, while the Chinese market has its rare market strength for ICT — demographic dividend, high willingness to pay, high coverage rate, strong network effect, and flexibility in technology adoption.”

According to experts, the 5G tech will connnect mobiles 20 times faster than previously. The 5G service will also generate US$3.5 billion revenues and 22 million jobs worldwide​​​​​​​ by 2035.

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