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News > Chile

Chilean Workers on Strike To Reject Piñera's Negligence

  • The banner reads,

    The banner reads, "The working people should not pay for the crisis. Out with Piñera," Chile, April 30, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @vagoilustrado

Published 30 April 2021

They denounce that President Sebastian Piñera is mismanaging the pandemic because he prioritizes the interests of big corporations.

The Workers' United Center (CUT) called a general strike to defend the health of Chileans and reject President Sebastian Piñera's "indolence and greed".


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This mobilization received adhesions from organizations such as the National Association of Fiscal Employees (ANEF), the Teachers' College, the High School Students Assembly (ACES), and Chile Dignified, Green, and Sovereign.

The CUT denounces that the Piñera administration is mismanaging the pandemic because it has not hesitated to prioritize the interests of big corporations. The workers' organization also demands the increase of the minimum wage to US$700 and the establishment of a universal basic income for 80 percent of the citizenry.

In addition, the Chilean progressive organizations demand the freezing of food prices and the approval of a tax on super millionaires.

CUT President Barbara Figueroa explained that the general strike involves the suspension of face-to-face work and teleworking, pot-banging, and other actions to demonstrate discontent against the neoliberal state. To avoid COVID-19 contagions, however, workers did not call for mass demonstrations or marches.

"While we cannot continue to bear the brunt of the crisis, we have to maintain epidemiological measures. We do not want to expose people's lives or health," Figueroa pointed out.

Local media reported that the Military police plans to deploy a large number of officers to exercise control in several places in Santiago City.

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