Collipulli’s Court issued Thursday an arrest warrant for four of the Carabineros (police) who took part in the operation that killed Mapuche Camilo Cantrillanca on Nov. 14.
Mapuche Leaders: 'President Piñera Is A Pinochet'
Sergeant Raul Avila Morales, First Sergeant Carlos Alarcon Molina, First Corporal Braulio Valenzuela Aranguiz, and Petty Officer Patricio Sepulveda Muñoz will be taken into custody for homicide, attempted murder, and obstruction of justice.
Chile’s Public Ministry concluded Wednesday that Avila and Alarcon are the main suspects in the case.
Alarcon is the one who first fired at Catrillanca. According to his testimony during internal investigation procedures, he did not shoot Catrillanca directly but shot at the tractor from which the bullet allegedly bounced hitting Camilo.
Sergeant Avila is the policeman who broke the memory card that contained footage of the operation, destroying important evidence for the case.
The Homicide Brigade of Temuco's Investigative Police will look into the cases as ordered by Judge Sandra Nahuelcura.
Interior Miniser Andres Chadwick, who many claim bears political responsibility for Catrillanca's murder, remains unaffected while only the carabineros are facing prosecution. Earlier this week, 66 Chilean legislators from different political parties asked for a special investigation commission to look into the case and everyone implicated, including Chadwick.
A report from the Specialized Operational Intelligence Unit of Carabineros (UIOE) showed that Camilo Catrillanca had been closely surveilled for a year prior to his assassination. The data was used to inform Chilean authorities of the progress Carabineros made in the area.
The report weakens police theories that Camilo Catrillanca was mistakenly targeted and has increased public outrage directed at the police and competent authorities, including Interior Minister Andres Chadwick and President Sebastian Piñera, who treat the Mapuche struggle as a case of terrorism.