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Building a Border Wall is Not in US Pentagon's Undertakings

  • A Central American migrant climbs the U.S. border fence, in Tijuana, Mexico, Dec. 11, 2018.

    A Central American migrant climbs the U.S. border fence, in Tijuana, Mexico, Dec. 11, 2018. | Photo: Reuters

Published 12 December 2018

Despite U.S President Donald Trump threats to build the border wall with the Army, the Department of Defense clarified that it has no plans to perform such a task.

The U.S. Department of Defense stated on Tuesday it does not intend to help build a border wall with Mexico, although President Donald Trump has been insisting that the army will build it if Congress does not fund his project.

US$5 Billion for Border Wall or Govt. Shutdown: Trump Warns

"As of Tuesday, the Defense Department has not been tasked with building a border wall," said Army Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a Pentagon spokesman.

This clarification comes at a time when the White House and the Congress have entered into a tug-of-war due to the Law of State Budgets. President Trump could use this impasse to justify a "shut down" of the government on Dec. 21.

U.S. President assured that he will not sign a budget that does not include US$5  billion for building parts of the border wall. Mr. Trump also stated a willingness to order the U.S. Army to build it.

"If we don't get what we want, one way or the other, whether it's through you, through the military, through anything you want to call it, I will shut down the government," Trump said, during a meeting with Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi.

Ted Lieu, a Democratic lawmaker, stressed that if Trump turns to the U.S. Army he will have to submit himself to congressional approval.

"Dear @realDonaldTrump: Are you referring to the Mexican military? Because if you want US taxpayers to fund your stupid wall, you need Congress to appropriate the funds," the congressman wrote on his Twitter account.

Lt. Col. Davis also clarified that the current legislation allows the Pentagon to finance border barrier projects, provided it is in support of anti-drugs missions or in case of national emergency.

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