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News > Latin America

Brazil’s Popular Front Condemns Opposition Attacks on Venezuela

  • Venezuelan police Officer Oscar Perez

    Venezuelan police Officer Oscar Perez | Photo: Reuters

Published 30 June 2017

The attacks are "grave new facts in the coup framework and its violent escalation against Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution,” the group said.

On Thursday, the Popular Front of Brazil, a coalition of social movements, released a statement denouncing the recent terrorist attack against Venezuela's Supreme Court and Ministry of Internal Relations, Justice and Peace headquarters.

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“These attacks, evidently terrorist in nature, constitute grave new facts in the coup framework and its violent escalation against Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution,” the statement read.

The Popular Front of Brazil — including a host of other signatories to the statement, such as the Central Worker's Union, the Landless Worker's Movement and the National Coordination of Black Entities — emphasized that the Venezuelan opposition, U.S. imperialism, and a host of reactionary Latin American governments, including Brazil, are determined overthrow President Nicolas Maduro.

The statement noted that the violent attacks against the Venezuelan government have resulted in the “death of more than 70 people” and destroyed public installations and disrupted public services.

It concluded that the National Constituent Assembly will accelerate the gains made by the revolution, enhance popular democracy in Venezuela and help bring about peace and socio-economic development.

On Tuesday, opposition protester Oscar Alberto Lopez hijacked a helicopter and, after firing on the Ministry of Internal Relations, Justice and Peace headquarters, dropped four grenades on the country's Supreme Court building.

The brazen attack was quickly condemned by 17 African nations, as well as Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cuba, Palestine and Turkey.

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