President Gleisi Helena Hoffmann of Brazil’s Workers’ Party called the Nicaraguan setting for this year’s Sao Paulo Forum a victory for the Sandinista government of President Daniel Ortega.
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Hoffmann praised the organization in an interview Sunday with El 19 Digital and the Live Magazine of Multinoticias Channel 4, saying that the XXIII Meeting of the Forum of Sao Paulo showed the promise of “making a better world.”
"The PT always had a strong connection to the Sandinista Popular Revolution, and being here today participating in the Sao Paulo Forum, as PT president, is an honor," she said.
Gerardo Torres, of the Honduran activist group Frente Amplio de Honduras, paid tribute to the Sandinista National Liberation Front as well, "Nicaragua has always been in solidarity with Honduras. We have a lot to learn from you as we celebrate this activity here," according to TN8.
In her interview, Hoffman emphasized the FSLN's support for former President Luiz Lula da Silva in the attacks he continues to face from the right, adding that the re-election of Ortega signifies that “it is a Left government that shows that it is possible to build new proposals and a society with more social justice."
Itzel Ortega, a member of the Delegation of Young People of the National Movement for the Hope of Mexico, echoed these sentiments, saying, “Here we are united in a single voice against those interventionist policies that do so much damage to our peoples."
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The Mexican youth group denounced the United State’s overbearing presence in Latin America and its incessant intervention and blackmail practices and mounting aggression surrounding the infamous wall promised by U.S. President Donald Trump during his presidential campaign.
Attended by 336 delegates from 32 countries and various social and political organizations, the forum celebrates its 38th year in its fight to for social justice, human rights, peace and democracy.
The international meeting, which began on July 15, is dedicated to unity and struggle against global issues of discrimination, patriotism, and internationalism. Participants planned to discuss the corrosive state of affairs left behind by finance capital in developing countries.