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News > Latin America

Brazil Elections: Jair Bolsonaro Supporters Film Themselves Voting With Guns

  • Bolsonaro has promised to liberalize the gun market.

    Bolsonaro has promised to liberalize the gun market. | Photo: Twitter

Published 7 October 2018

Supporters of the far-right candidate are recording themselves using guns to vote and sharing the videos on social media.

Brazil’s Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) is investigating videos showing supporters of far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro at booths using their guns to vote


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Humberto Jacques Medeiros, the TSE deputy secretary, confirmed that the tribunal is analyzing the images being shared on social media, which caught international attention.

At least three videos are being shared showing voters using their guns to vote for Bolsonaro on the electronic systems, at least one of them apparently coming from a school in Sao Joao do Meriti, Rio de Janeiro, and another from Cachoeiro do Sul.

The electoral authorities banned mobile phones, cameras and other electronic devices inside of booths, and the electoral law prohibits photographing or recording the voting process, including selfies. Doing so with a gun constitutes two electoral crimes.

But Eduardo Bolsonaro, Jair's son, asked supporters to film themselves voting in case they faced problems, violating the law. "Dear ones, in case of problems with the voting system, you should film and mention the zone, state and section where the problem is going on," he wrote in his Twitter account.

The candidate's son is an aspiring federal representative for the Social Liberal Party, the party's his father is running for.

Bolsonaro, a former military officer, supports a more liberal gun ownership policy and has declared he would like every Brazilian home to have one.

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