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News > Latin America

Brazil: Adolfo Esquiez Nominating Lula for Nobel Peace Prize

  • Argentinian activist, author and Noble Peace Prize recipient Adolfo Perez Ezquivel is now nominating Brazil's former President Lula.

    Argentinian activist, author and Noble Peace Prize recipient Adolfo Perez Ezquivel is now nominating Brazil's former President Lula. | Photo: Reuters

Published 3 March 2018

Argentinian activist Adolfo Perez Ezquivel said that, under Lula, "more than 30 million people were rescued from extreme poverty, and social inequality declined."

Argentinian activist, author and Noble Peace Prize recipient Adolfo Perez Esquivel is nominating former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio 'Lula' da Silva for this year's Nobel Peace Prize, he has revealed. 

"The arrival of PT (Workers' Party) and Lula to the presidency marked first place before and first place after for Brazil, so much so that it became an international reference in the fight against poverty," Esquivel said.

Brazil: Lula da Silva's Habeas Corpus Appeal Postponed

While Lula was in office, "more than 30 million people were rescued from extreme poverty, social inequality declined, and the index of human development increased."

During the interview in Sao Paulo with journalists, lawyers and human rights advocates, Ezquivel lamented what he described as a "monoculture of minds": a mainstream ideology that propagates ideas favoring the powerful.

He also expressed concern at setbacks in freedom and democracy in the region, pointing out the "soft coup" against former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, as well as the prevailing judicial system and movements that aim to prohibit Lula's presidential candidacy, according to Tutameia.

Ezquivel criticized the international economic model, which "favors financial capital over people," and proposals based on regional integration and the fight against hunger and poverty which stymie big business: "Redistribution of wealth means profits suffer."

Last month, three TRF-4 judges unanimously upheld Lula's 2017 conviction by Judge Sergio Moro, who found the former president guilty of corruption and money laundering. Brazil's Supreme Court has postponed Lula's habeas corpus appeal until March 6.

Last week, Lula launched his pre-candidacy for the presidential elections at Expominas in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

Speaking to the crowd on Wednesday, he said his "torturers" – judges, the corporate media and those pursuing him on corruption charges – can arrest "my flesh, but my ideas will carry on free. They will not detain our dreams.

"I'm going to stay here. This is where I was born; this is where I belong. The only thing I'm afraid of is betraying my people."

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