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News > Latin America

Bolivian President Condemns US Military Meeting in Colombia

  • U.S. Southern Command Admiral Kurt Tidd.

    U.S. Southern Command Admiral Kurt Tidd. | Photo: EFE

Published 11 February 2018

Last August, Tidd participated in the 7th South American Defense Conference in Lima, Peru for a closed-door conference to discuss Venezuela, terrorism, drug trafficking, and climate change.

Bolivian President Evo Morales rejects the “suspicious presence” of Kurt W. Tidd, head of the U.S. Southern Command, in the Colombian town of Tumaco on Sunday, officially in order to “counter security threats.”

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“Any imperialist military threat against peace in Venezuela and our region shall be defeated by dignity, sovereignty and unity of our democratic peoples,” said Morales on Twitter.

In the past, Tidd warned about a possible regional response against Venezuela, considered by the Pentagon as a “factor of regional destabilization.”

Tidd's visit in Colombia followed the Latin American tour of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with the situation in Venezuela as the main agenda item in his visits to Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and finally, Jamaica.

Tillerson also warned of possible measures towards neighboring countries as part of the pressure on the Maduro government.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he was prepared to defend freedom and sovereignty, after learning that Argentina and the United States of America were looking into imposing oil sanctions against Venezuela.

With Venezuela on the agenda, the meeting comes on the tails of President Donald Trump saying that the United States is evaluating a “military option” to be used against Venezuela. The threats were widely condemned throughout Latin America as an unacceptable aggression against a nation's sovereignty.

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