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News > Cuba

'Africa Is the Source of Caribbean Cultures', Ethiopia Recalls

  • Some African deities (Orishas) present in the Cuban popular culture.

    Some African deities (Orishas) present in the Cuban popular culture. | Photo: Twitter/@RBoutaour

Published 8 June 2021

Over 4,000 Ethiopians have graduated from Cuban universities, which ratifies the interest of this Caribbean nation in promoting links with African peoples.

Ethiopia's Abassador to Cuba Shibru Mamo Kedida on Tuesday said his country seeks to foster ties with Caribbean nations and knowledge of the African roots of local cultures.


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"Africa is the home and source of ancient cultures and traditions that are inherent to the heart of Caribbean people," he said, adding that bilateral cooperation is vital to his country's development.

From Havana, Kedida also acts as ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Bahamas, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Mexico, and Dominica.

He pointed out that the Ethiopian government is keen to “deepen collaboration with our Caribbean brothers, because we share common development challenges and priorities, and we advocate for strengthening our voices on these vital issues."

Kedida assured that his compatriots remember with affection the supportive presence of 17,000 Cuban internationalists who fought alongside Ethiopians to defend the territorial integrity of their country during the invasion of Somalia's troops in 1970.

Since then, bilateral ties have been strengthened through cooperation programs in areas such as health, education, science, biotechnology, human resources development and food production.

Besides recalling that 45 Cuban doctors are providing their support in Ethiopia, the ambassador noted that over 4,000 young Ethiopians have graduated from Cuban universities, which ratifies the interest of this Caribbean nation in promoting links with African peoples.

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