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US Advocacy Group Launches 'Quit ICE' Initiative

  • Never Again Action is an advocacy organization that fights Trump’s war on migrants to avoid “the reiteration of genocide like in the Holocaust.”

    Never Again Action is an advocacy organization that fights Trump’s war on migrants to avoid “the reiteration of genocide like in the Holocaust.” | Photo: Twitter (@NeverAgainActn)

Published 9 October 2019

"If you work for ICE, you can get help to quit," actor and activist Rob Delaney wrote on Twitter Monday.

Never Again Action, an advocacy group for the rights of the migrants launched Monday a career services program to encourage and help employees of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to quit their job and look for another work.


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The Atlanta branch of Never Again Action announced that the website “Quit ICE” is "a new initiative to encourage ICE employees to quit their jobs by offering them free and confidential career advice from professionals."

"If you work for ICE, you can get help to quit," actor and activist Rob Delaney tweeted on Monday.

"You don’t have to work for ICE," the website tells visitors. "You don't have to be complicit in the atrocities happening at our nation's border and within our immigration system."

ICE expressed in a statement its disapproval of the initiative. The federal agency said it was "irresponsible rhetoric that needlessly spreads fear and misinformation that does a disservice to the communities these groups claim to represent."

"Demonizing career law enforcement officials with lies and misinformation is disgraceful," ICE acting press secretary Bryan Cox told Newsweek.

It was not clear what lies or misinformation Cox referred to, however, the agency may be trying to discredit an initiative with an important potential success, according to The Daily Beast.

"Based on the two people who reached out to us, there are definitely people there who don't want to be there," said Never Again Atlanta organizer Emily Baselt.

Never Again Action is an advocacy organization that fights President Donald Trump’s war on migrants, in order to avoid “the reiteration of genocide like in the Holocaust



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