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News > Latin America

60,000 Brazil Bank Workers Strike Against Temer's Labor Reforms

  • A man sits in front of posters reading

    A man sits in front of posters reading "We are on strike" at the entrance of a bank during a bank workers' nationwide strike in Sao Paulo. | Photo: Reuters

Published 24 September 2016

Bank employees are the latest workers to take actions against the Temer government's attack on workers' rights.

More Brazilian bank workers have joined the strike against the labor reforms by the imposed government of Michel Temer, after 17 days of national strike that has halted financial services across the country.

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A statement from the Union of Bank Workers of Sao Paulo, Osasco and Região says 796 branches closed this week, and about 60,000 workers are on strike according to Brasil de Fato.

The National Confederation of Financial Workers reported that in total 13,159 branches - up to 55 percent of the country’s offices - are not operating. The workers are demanding higher wages and better working conditions.

"We closed the administrative centers of the top three private banks in Sao Paulo and the main building of Caixa in Brasilia,” said the leader of the confederation, Robert von der Osten. “It was a historic and necessary move."

The biggest unions in Brazil promoted a national day of strike under the slogan 'No Right to Less'. They were joined by student organizations and workers’ movements who occupied several cities in a preparatory action before a planned general strike in the country.

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The metalworkers’ union said that the 8,000 employees of 22 companies suspended their activities in four departments since Friday.

"There is an ongoing hit on a structural change in the country, which involves the removal and reduction of basic rights, such as social security, working hours, funds for health and education," said the metalworker union leader Rafael Marques.

"If the rights of the working class are still at risk, metalworkers are ready for a general strike," said Marques.

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