2002 coup attempt against Chavez to the oil lockout in 2003, the right-wing opposition has done nothing but destabilize the country at the expense of the Venezuelan people.

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Who Is Venezuela's Violent Right-Wing?

The right-wing opposition in Venezuela has been rooted in violence since the beginning of the Bolivarian process that began with the election of President Hugo Chavez in 1999, having amped up their violence since Nicolas Maduro beat their candidate in elections in 2013.

The guarimbas, or street blockades of 2014, were the right-wing's attempt to violently overthrown the government. They won a majority in the National Assembly in 2015, but instead of dealing with resolving the problems the Venezuelan people faced, their only goal has been to oust Maduro. Now in 2017, they have reverted to violent actions again in their incessant attempts to overturn the government.

With the help of OAS Secretary-General Luis Almagro, the U.S. State Department and international mainstream media, the violent street protests that have left over 90 people dead, hope to portray Venezuela as a country in chaos in need of imperialist intervention.

From the 2002 coup attempt against Chavez to the oil lockout in 2003, the right-wing opposition has done nothing but destabilize the country at the expense of the Venezuelan people.

If You Read Just One Thing


Majority Killed in Venezuela Opposition Protests Not Protesters

The majority of the people killed in violent opposition protests in Venezuela that have sought to oust President Nicolas Maduro over the past two months were not demonstrating, said a Public Ministry report. READ MORE

If You Watch Just One Thing


Right-Wing Tactics: Don't Be Fooled


Here’s Your Guide to Understanding Protest Deaths in Venezuela

Headlines about ongoing violence in Venezuela are practically inescapable, with over 70 people dead since opposition-led protests aimed at toppling the government began in early April. In addition to those killed, over 1,000 have been injured in the protests. READ MORE

Standoff in Venezuela

By Federico Fuentes 

While the media portrays these events as a popular rebellion against an "authoritarian" government, supporters of the pro-poor Bolivarian revolution initiated by former President Hugo Chavez say the country is witnessing an escalation in what is an ongoing counter-revolutionary campaign seeking to restore Venezuela’s traditional elites in power and reverse the gains made by the poor majority under Chavez and Maduro. READ MORE

What Marxism Teaches Us About Protests in Venezuela

By Ramiro S. Fúnez

Freedom. Democracy. Stability. These are the demands that mainstream media will have you believe are behind ongoing anti-government opposition protests in Venezuela. READ MORE

Venezuela Opposition Criticizes Pope's Call for Dialogue

Henrique Capriles, opposition leader, rejected the Pope's call for dialogue with the government of Nicolas Maduro to peacefully resolve the current political impasse in the country and said he was against the inclusion former presidents of the region, including Panama´s Martin Torrijos and the Dominican Republic's Leonel Fernandez, as mediators. READ MORE

8 Times the Venezuelan Opposition Didn't Play by the Rules

By Isobel Finbow

Coups, sabotage and violence are just some of the tactics the former opposition has tried to undermine the socialist gains. READ MORE

US, OAS and International Role in Destabilization


US Has Budgeted $49M for Venezuelan Right-Wing Since 2009

Since at least 2009 the U.S. Department of State has budgeted at least US$49 million in total to support right-wing opposition forces in Venezuela who are now in their seventh week of violent protests to oust democratically-elected President Nicolas Maduro. READ MORE

US Senate Bill Allots $20M Toward Regime Change in Venezuela

The bipartisan Venezuela Humanitarian Assistance and Defense of Democratic Governance Act not only seeks to pump US$10 million to Venezuela as part of a “humanitarian assistance” package but also looks to provide millions for efforts to undermine the government of President Nicolas Maduro. READ MORE

OAS Debates Venezuela, Not a Word About Brazil

Pick-and-choose. It's the modus operandi of the Organization of American States, headquartered in Washington, D.C. While the organization schedules debate on Venezuela, total silence reigns over the scandal-ridden government of Brazilian President Michel Temer. READ MORE

D-Day on Venezuela in Washington on at the OAS - for Whom Will the Bells Toll?

By Earl Bousquet

The upcoming May 31 meeting of the Permanent Council of the OAS was convened through suspicious circumstances - some of which violate the OAS’ own statutes governing summoning of meetings, as well as its "Democratic Charter" relating to external intervention in the internal affairs of member-states of such regional and international bodies. READ MORE

What Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About Venezuela’s OAS Exit

By Ramiro S. Fúnez

For weeks, mainstream media has ramped up attacks against Venezuela, deceiving readers about ongoing political turmoil. Today is no different. READ MORE

What Is the Constituent Assembly?


Venezuela: What You Need to Know About Elections for the Constituent Assembly Assembly

By Misión Verdad

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro presented the National Electoral Council, CNE, with his proposal for structuring the electoral bases through which constituent representatives will be elected. READ MORE

Venezuelan Women Debate Constituent Assembly Proposals

Women throughout Venezuela are meeting to debate new proposals for the constitutional process commissioned by President Nicolas Maduro for the National Constituent Assembly. READ MORE

Venezuela Youth March in Support of Constituent Assembly

Venezuelan student groups and athletes marched Friday in support of the National Constituent Assembly, ANC, process. The mobilization started at the Bellas Artes sector in Caracas and ended at Miraflores Palace, the Venezuelan government headquarters.  READ MORE

Venezuela's LGBTQ Movement Presents Political Platform Ahead of Constituent Assembly

The constituent assembly will be comprised of key Venezuelan sectors including communes, campesinos, and workers that will come together to develop a new constitution based on the needs and wishes of the people. Additionally, popular movements have responded to the need to present their political platforms for consideration. The sex and gender diversity movement is one. READ MORE

Bolivarian Support in Venezuela and the World


Chavistas Flood Caracas in Mega Anti-Imperialist March

It was a deeply emotional day for Venezuela's Chavistas, who emerged from their homes in the tens of thousands, celebrating the country's independence and, at the same time, denouncing continued attempts by the right-wing opposition and by hostile international entities encouraging imperialist intervention. READ MORE

76 Percent of Venezuelans Reject Foreign Intervention: Poll

The majority of Venezuelans disapprove of any foreign intervention into the country internal affairs and support dialogue between the socialist government and the opposition, while also rejecting violent right-wing protesters, according to surveys from polling organization Hinterlaces. READ MORE

Resist OAS Plots Against Venezuela: PM Ralph Gonsalves

By Ralph Gonsalves

There are insidious developments at the Organization of American States that should trouble each of us. Among these developments is the introduction of a World Trade Organization "green room-type" process by which a small group of powerful states are seeking to impose their will on the decisions of member states. READ MORE

Evo Morales: OAS Should Be Abolished, Doesn't Represent Members

"We do not need an overseer of the empire to control our people," said the Bolivian president. READ MORE

  • title='Right-wing opposition protesters in Venezuela have left over 70 dead.' width="798" height="449">

    Right-wing opposition protesters in Venezuela have left over 70 dead. | Photo Reuters

  • title='Opposition demonstrators throw stones at Venezuelan police during a violent right-wing protest in Caracas.' width="798" height="449">

    Opposition demonstrators throw stones at Venezuelan police during a violent right-wing protest in Caracas. | Photo Reuters

  • title='A demonstrator looks on as trucks used as barricades are set on fire during a rally against President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela.' width="798" height="449">

    A demonstrator looks on as trucks used as barricades are set on fire during a rally against President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela. | Photo Reuters

  • title='Demonstrators scuffle with security forces during an opposition rally in Caracas, Venezuela, amid ongoing anti-government protests.' width="798" height="449">

    Demonstrators scuffle with security forces during an opposition rally in Caracas, Venezuela, amid ongoing anti-government protests. | Photo Reuters

  • title='Right-wing opposition protesters attack a police officer.' width="798" height="449">

    Right-wing opposition protesters attack a police officer. | Photo Reuters

  • title='' width="798" height="449">
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