The People Must Be Aware, Empowered, Organized and Mobilized: President Maduro

President Maduro with the People of zulia, July 12, 2024 Photo: PrensaPresidencial
July 12, 2024 Hour: 8:59 pm
«And I will say with all my strength of soul: thank you beloved people,” said President Nicolás Maduro in the state of Zulia.
The president of Venezuela, in his tour of Maracaibo, highlighted the value of the people of Zulia, and assured that the people must be conscious, empowered, organized and mobilized.
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“The people must be defended, protected and respected. The people must be respected by the oligarchy, the extreme right,” he emphasized. He also affirmed that his victory in the elections of July 28 will be the gift for the commemoration of the 70th birthday of Commander Hugo Chávez Frías.
“I will tell Comandante Chávez: 70 years have passed and the people have not failed you. It is the gift of Venezuela to your sacrifice. And I will say with all my strength of soul: thank you, beloved people”, the Head of State said during the mobilization, in securing his victory and that of the Bolivarian Revolution in the elections of July 28, “victory number 29, in 31 elections”.
The dignitary also said that “when the victory is certified, all the families, all the street leaders, the spokesmen and spokeswomen of communal councils, we will launch to defend the victory”.
From the municipality of Jesús Enrique Lossada, President Nicolás Maduro denounced that the extreme right wants to fill Zulia with violence. Likewise, he blamed her for wanting to return to the guarimbas and stressed that they are looking for criminals and paramilitaries in Colombia.
The president reflected with Venezuelans how much has Zulia suffered from the electrical war? and how much did they suffer for the guarimbas?
“I say to the extremist right if you eat the light you will regret,” insisted Nicolás Maduro, who projected himself as “a president of the people and for the people”, a “president who defends the people”.
Nicolás Maduro announced the commissioning of the new engine for the fifth line of the Tulé Pumping Station. “We just turned it on and in 72 hours at the latest, the water must reach their homes. Recovered the fifth pumping line”, while noting “we learned to do a lot with little”.
Another of the information offered by the president was related to the management of government in the neighborhoods. In this sense, Maduro pointed out that in ten days the sixth pumping line must be activated with the new engine of the Tulé System “thanks to the 1 10 of Good Government and workers”.
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro urged the Oil Minister, Pedro Tellechea, to launch a complete asphalt plan in the municipality of Jesús Enrique Lossada. He also instructed the Minister of Electrical Energy, Jorge Márquez to do a reengineering and repair of the electrical substation of this jurisdiction.
“I am you, you are me. I am a man of the streets, and I have resisted and you have never left me alone and I have never left you alone,” said the candidate of the Great Patriotic Pole, who criticized the candidacy of the right wing in wanting to privatize the oil of Venezuela, education, health and ending the Great Housing Mission of Venezuela.
“No one is going to privatize Venezuela’s oil,” said the head of state refirió que va a “construir tres millones de viviendas”. “Yo no prometo nada. Yo vengo a comprometerme. Ya estoy construyendo 400.000 viviendas nuevas en este momento”, indicó.
Al apostar por “seguir construyendo la patria socialista, la patria bonita, Maduro aseguró que la paz, la recuperación económica, y la continuidad el camino de la recuperación social es también a través del 1×10”.
Autor: CC
Fuente: teleSURtv