President Maduro Greets Nicaragua on Sandino’s Anniversary

February 20, 2024 Hour: 1:40 pm

This week, Nicaraguans commemorate the revolutionary legacy of Augusto Cesar Sandino, who was assassinated on February 21, 1934.


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Anticipating this historic date, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro sent a letter to President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo, which is transcribed below:

“I want to extend to the Nicaraguan government and people the Venezuelan people’s committed embrace on the commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the passing into immortality of Augusto Cesar Sandino, the general of free men and women.

The life and work of Gen. Sandino encapsulate the nobility and strength that define the soul of the Nicaraguan people.

The relevance of Gen. Sandino’s anti-imperialist thought is unquestionable: neither the imperialism’s crime nor the oligarchy’s betrayal could erase the historical significance of Gen. Sandino’s figure, which stands as a beacon and guide for those who struggle for the defense of the peoples’ independence and self-determination.

Dear Daniel and Rosario, the solidarity between Venezuela and Nicaragua is an example of how genuine and complementary cooperation can serve as an engine to guarantee our peoples’ well-being.

Our countries’ friendship is deep-rooted in the principles of solidarity and cooperation. Together, we will continue working tirelessly in the construction of a common, prosperous, and just present.

For me and for the Venezuelan people, it is a privilege to count on your friendship, Commander President Daniel and Vice President Comrade Rosario, worthy and loyal continuers of Sandino’s libertarian struggle.

Encouraged by the strength of the Liberator Simon Bolivar, Gen. Augusto C. Sandino, and the Eternal Commander Hugo Chavez, Cilia and I bid farewell confident in the Sandinista Popular Revolution’s new victories.

Long live Sandino!
Long live the Sandinista Front!”

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: Venezuelan Presidency