José Raul Mulino Wins Panama’s Presidential Elections
May 5, 2024 Hour: 10:36 pm
The Electoral Tribunal of Panama declared José Raul Mulino as the winner of the elections and elected president of the Latin American country.
According to unofficial data from the Electoral Tribunal of Panama, with more than 87% of the votes counted, Mulino obtained 34.4% of the ballots, compared to 25% of Ricardo Lombana, 16% of former president Martín Torrijos (2004-2009) and 11.2% reached by Rómulo Roux.
Previously all the candidates had already declared their defeat and acknowledged Mulino’s electoral victory.
Mulino, who will assume the presidency on July 1 for a period of five years, is a 64-year-old lawyer and diplomat. He was Minister of Government and Justice and Public Security during the term of Ricardo Martinelli and Chancellor in the 1990s.
#PanamaDecide2024 #Elecciones2024 José Raúl Mulino, presidente electo de Panamá se dirige al país. “Ricardo Martinelli amigo, misión cumplida”, dijo. Video: Luis Ávila
— PanamáAmérica (@PanamaAmerica)
May 6, 2024
The text reads,
José Raúl Mulino, president-elect of Panama goes to the country. “Ricardo Martinelli friend, mission accomplished,” he said. Video: Luis Ávila
Mulino will have to deal with the great challenges of migration through the Darién Stopper, where half a million people crossed last year, and the water crisis that restricted for the first time in history the transits of ships in the Panama Canal.
The president-elect promised to usher in a thriving economy like the one seen during the Martinelli administration (2009-2014) and stop migration through the Darién Plug, the dangerous jungles linking Colombia and Panama that were crossed by half a million migrants last year.
However Mulino’s speeches did not escape the shadow of corruption of former President Martinelli, accused of corruption and disqualified from running in the presidential elections.
Panama: Preliminary Count Shows José Mulino as Voting Leader
Polling Stations Closes in Panama
Panama Elections: Candidates Ask People to Vote in Peace
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC
Fuente: cubadebate-lanacion-elpais-france24