Houthi Attack on Commercial Ship Leaves 3 Dead and 4 Injured

March 7, 2024 Hour: 5:49 pm

Yemeni forces attacked a merchant ship passing through the Red Sea last Wednesday, leaving three sailors dead.


Ships Must Ask Permission Before Entering Yemeni Waters

According to the Central Command of the United States (CETCOM), these were the first deaths due to Hutu attacks since they initiated the assaults on ships of imperialist countries, according to Yemeni forces these actions are in support of the genocide in Palestine.

CETCOM further reported that four people were injured and the ship, owned by Greece and Barbados, was severely damaged.

The action against the vessel occurred 50 miles from the port of Aden. Yahya Sarea, a Houthi spokesman, confirmed that Yemeni rebel forces were responsible for the attack.

According to Sarea they sent warning signals to the ship that were ignored. The attack caused a fire on board.

Mathew Miller, spokesman for the US State Department, responded by saying that the attack will not go unpunished and that Washington will take action against the Houthis.


Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: teleSURtv

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