Arab League Condemns Aggression of Settlers in West Bank

April 15, 2024 Hour: 5:01 pm

On Monday, the Arab League condemned the violent actions of Israeli settlers against the population and Palestinian neighborhoods of the West Bank.


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The Muslim states called on the UN to take action against these actions and thus put an end to this sad situation.

“The settlers carry out attacks under the protection of the occupation authorities, which encourage these shameful operations, thus entrenching a general state of impunity for the aggressors,” the League said in a statement.

Added that “the crimes committed daily by the occupier in the Gaza Strip should not cover up what the West Bank is witnessing from an increase in the frequency and severity of violent crimes, the burning of homes and agricultural land, and the destruction of property, by armed settlers”.

The statement stated that “the imposition of sanctions by some countries on several settlers represents a small and late step, and is insufficient to deter the escalation of such aggressions and provide protection to Palestinians in the West Bank”.

Since last week, the settlers have intensified their attacks and violations against the Palestinian population, all with the protection of the Zionist occupation forces.

Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: sana