President-Elect Jose Raul Mulino Will Take Office on June 3

May 8, 2024 Hour: 9:08 pm
On June 3, the transition of the Government of Panama will begin, said the outgoing president, Laurentino Cortizo, after a 45-minute meeting with President-elect José Raúl Mulino.
José Raul Mulino Wins Panama’s Presidential Elections
“We are ready to formally start the transition, obviously the incoming president needs some time for the appointment of his team… so it was decided to be Monday June 3,” Cortizo said.
He also stated that “the first job is to make a transition schedule”, while leaving office on 30 June.
During his meeting at the Palacio de Las Garzas, Cortizo congratulated Mulino on his victory, as well as addressing issues of public security and economy and finance, among others.
��Presidencia de la República
Recibí la visita de cortesía del Presidente Electo @JoseRaulMulino, para abordar temas de interés nacional y establecer la coordinación del inicio de un proceso de transición democrático y ordenado, en beneficio de todos los panameños. ����
— Nito Cortizo (@NitoCortizo)
May 7, 2024
��Presidencia de la República
Recibí la visita de cortesía del Presidente Electo @JoseRaulMulino, para abordar temas de interés nacional y establecer la coordinación del inicio de un proceso de transición democrático y ordenado, en beneficio de todos los panameños. ����
— Nito Cortizo (@NitoCortizo)
May 7, 2024
The text reads,
I received a courtesy visit from the President-Elect
Jose Raul Mulino
, to address issues of national interest and establish coordination of the beginning of a democratic and orderly transition process, for the benefit of all Panamanians.
For his part, Mulino, who will take office on July 1, declared that this meeting symbolizes an effort to consolidate Panamanian democracy.
He was elected last Sunday with 34.2 percent of the vote, according to official data.
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC
Fuente: efe