Governor of Buenos Aires Sues Milei with the Supreme Court

February 26, 2024 Hour: 8:31 pm

Axel Kicillof, governor of Buenos Aires (Argentina), announced on Monday that the provincial prosecutor will sue the Milei government before the Supreme Court of the Nation.


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The lawsuit is made after the government of Javier Milei eliminated the suffrage of Buenos Aires established during the pandemic by Alberto Fernández.

The mayor in an official note reported “We exhausted the administrative instances, the dialogue, we sent complaints (…). Today we instruct the Prosecutor of the Province of Buenos Aires to initiate judicial proceedings before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and provisionally return the funds that took us.”

In addition, the governor criticized the president’s cuts to health, education and transport, stating that this affects all Argentine provinces.

The governor says Milei’s laws call for national disunity and disintegration among Argentines themselves

Several provinces have threatened to suspend oil and gas production unless federal suffrage and funds are restored.

The governor’s protest joins the cause of many other leaders of Argentine provinces, which demonstrates a union between governors and a disunity among the politicians of the Casa Rosada.

Since the defeat suffered during the heyday of the Omnibus Act, Milei has tried by all means to establish new policies and further cut funding for the Argentine provinces.


Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: RT