El Salvador Suspends Face-To-Face Classes Due to Impending Rains

Volunteer of the Civil Protection, June 2024 Photo: @PROCIVILSV

June 14, 2024 Hour: 6:45 pm

The measure will be applied to all schools in the country.

On Friday, the Ministry of Education of El Salvador ordered the suspension of all classes in person for the risk that could generate the heavy rains expected on Saturday, Sunday and early next week.The measure will be applied to all schools in the country.


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“We inform the population that all classroom activities will be suspended at the national level, on June 18 and 19 of this year,” the ministry said in a statement. Monday June 17 is a holiday in El Salvador for the celebration of Father’s Day, so classes were no longer scheduled.

The note indicated that this suspension is in response to an orange alert (risk alert) issued on Friday by the Directorate General of Civil Protection.

“The provision applies from initial education to higher education, as well as for public and private educational institutions, universities, teaching and administrative personnel, in order to avoid any risk,” I underline the Education portfolio.

The text reads,
“We take this opportunity to inform the Salvadoran population that classes and all in-person academic activities are suspended on Tuesday, June 18 and Wednesday, June 19,”

He indicated that the institutions “can take the appropriate measures to give educational continuity, either through the virtual modality, home work guides”.

Civil Protection issued this alert after receiving reports from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) warning of “intense, persistent and intermittent” rains, which could be concentrated mainly in the coastal area and the volcanic mountain range.

Civil Protection ordered all agencies to prepare for emergencies, search, rescue and evacuation actions, as well as to maintain daily monitoring of meteorological, hydrological and geological conditions.

Autor: CC

Fuente: EFE