Cuban President Launches New Program: From the Presidency

March 21, 2024 Hour: 5:51 pm
“From the Presidency” is a new communication space that will be regularly hosted by the President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, where he discusses issues that mark the country’s agenda.
The program was premiered on the YouTube channel of the Presidency of Cuba to analyze issues of national reality and others of interest to the Cuban population. In its first broadcast the Cuban president commented on the events that took place last Sunday, March 17.
In some localities of the country’s eastern region, protests were generated due to long blackouts and shortages or delays in the distribution of the “standard family food basket.” This consists of a food distribution system that the state guarantees at heavily subsidized prices, well below market prices, and whose objective is to guarantee a basic minimum food supply.
The protests were a spur for counterrevolutionary platforms and U.S. politicians who seek to encourage chaos and destabilization on the island through social networks. All this in a context marked by the serious economic and energy crisis in the country.
#DesdeLaPresidencia es un nuevo espacio de comunicación que tendrá como anfitrión habitual al Presidente de la República, @DiazCanelB, y en el que se abordarán los temas que marcan la agenda de #Cuba.
— Rogelio Polanco Fuentes (@RPolancoF)
March 21, 2024
The tweet reads, “Desde La Presidencia is a new communication space that will be regularly hosted by the President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, and will address the issues that set the agenda of Cuba.”
Together with the Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy, the Cuban President analyzed the current energy situation in the country and the prospects for a solution in the short and medium term.
On the occasion Diaz-Canel denounced “the broad and intense campaign of media discrediting that is being carried out against Cuba.” The president brought up the policy of maximum pressure by the U.S. government that has two fundamental components: the economic asphyxiation that has intensified in recent years; and the media intoxication based on everything that happens in those platforms of cultural colonization, of capitalist and neoliberal restoration that they want to impose on Cuba.”
For his part, the Minister of Energy and Mines referred to the strategy that has been implemented for some weeks now to acquire fuels in the international market, to which is added the entry into the national electro-energy system of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric power plant. “These are facts that will allow an improvement in the generation of electricity in the country,” he added.
The Cuban President further reiterated the government’s commitment and responsibility to work hard for greater stability in the country’s electricity generation. “The enemy only wants to see us in confrontation, they are not interested in the welfare of the people,” he said.
“We are here every day, fighting for the welfare of the people, because the Cuban people deserve, in the shortest possible time, the prosperity that we have longed for and for which we have fought so hard; and we are going to achieve it,” Díaz-Canel said.
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Autor: teleSUR/ OSG
Fuente: Cubadebate