ALBA-TCP Rejects SouthCom Commander Richardson’s Statements

March 20, 2024 Hour: 1:09 pm

On Wednesday, Jorge Arreaza, the secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – People’s Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), rejected the statements about some countries made by Laura Richardson, the head of the U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom).


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Previously, during a session of the Atlantic Council, General Richardson said that Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba and their annexes maintain a “malign activity.”

“We would like to get rid of that, and obviously mitigate that. It is not good for democracies. We would like all countries in the region to be thriving democracies,” she said.

Arreaza responded to these biased assessments by highlighting that they seek to create conditions for the destabilization of the region.

“As ALBA-TCP Secretary, I reject the cynicism, arrogance and impudence of this U.S. ‘Military Chief’. Nothing has contributed more to the destabilization of democratic processes in the region than Washington’s permanent, warlike interference,” he said.

“It is not enough for her to confess that they intend to steal our countries’ natural resources. Now she seeks to qualify and threaten governments of the Bolivarian alliance.”

“Like her predecessors, the SouthCom commander will fail in her expansionist intentions to dominate the sovereign peoples of our Latin America and the Caribbean,” Arreaza stressed.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: ALBA-TCP

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