15 Arrested After Pride March Ban in Türkiye

LGBTIQ activist in Pride Weej in Stambul, June 30, 2024 Photo: EFE
June 30, 2024 Hour: 3:51 pm
The Pride Week Committee shared a number of recommendations on their social media for LGBTQ+ people who wanted to participate in the Istanbul Pride March.
The governor of Istanbul, Davut Gül, on Sunday banned the Twenty-Second Pride March and ordered the city center to be cordoned off to avoid the concentration of people.
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According to press reports, the authorities arrested at least 15 people, who were on the aiatic side participating peacefully.
The Government of the city justified its decision through a statement “Several illegal groups called an unauthorized protest march between the Taksim area and Istiqlal Avenue on Sunday, June 30, 2024, with an appeal made on social media platforms».
«Our Government acts as a precautionary measure to prevent this unauthorized organization with the closure to vehicle traffic of Taksim Square, the Monument to the Republic, Gezi Park and Istiqlal Avenue», he added.
The police erected barriers around the square and closed traffic to means of transport, so LGBTI+ groups congregated in other parts of the city.
The march had been called by LGBTQI+ rights groups, but without prior authorization.
Despite annual bans, activists often celebrate the march by exposing themselves to police charges such as those left by more than 60 detainees last year.
Autor: CC
Fuente: EFE