What Questions Should Ecuadorians Answer in Sunday Referendum?

April 20, 2024 Hour: 4:16 pm

The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, puts to the vote of the population the reforms that will mark the direction of his administration, in a referendum harshly criticized by popular organizations. Some of the eleven questions that make up this referendum are similar to the proposals of former President Guillermo Lasso (2021-2023) in the plebiscite that he convened in February 2023 and that he lost completely.


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The 11 questions posed by Noboa as they appear on the ballot:


Do you agree that additional support from the Armed Forces should be allowed in the functions of the National Police to combat organized crime, partially reforming the Constitution in accordance with Annex 1?

Do you agree to allow the extradition of Ecuadorians, with the conditions, requirements, restrictions and impediments set forth in the Constitution, international instruments and the Law, amending the Constitution and amending laws, in accordance with Annex 1?”

Do you agree with the establishment of judiciaries specialized in constitutional matters, both at first instance and in second instance, in order to be aware of the jurisdictional guarantees due to them, amending the Constitution and amending the Organic Law on Judicial Guarantees and Constitutional Control, in accordance with Annex 2?

Do you agree that the Ecuadorian State recognizes international arbitration as a method for resolving investment, contractual or commercial disputes?

Do you agree to amend the Constitution of the Republic and amend the Labour Code for fixed-term and hourly contracts of employment, when first concluded between the same employer and worker, without affecting the acquired rights of workers, according to Annex 4?


Do you agree that the Armed Forces carry out control of weapons, ammunition, explosives and accessories, permanently, on the routes, roads, roads and corridors authorized for the entrance of social rehabilitation centers?

Do you agree that the penalties for the offences of: (i) terrorism and its financing, (ii) the illicit production and trafficking of controlled scheduled substances, (iii) organized crime, (iv) murder, (v) sicariato, (vi) trafficking in persons, (vii) extortive kidnapping, (viii) arms trafficking, (ix) money laundering and (x) illegal activity of mining resources, reforming the Integral Criminal Organic Code according to the Annex to the question?

Do you agree that persons deprived of their liberty serve their full sentence in the social rehabilitation centre for the offences listed in the Annex to the question, by amending the Organic Comprehensive Criminal Code as set out in the Annex?

Do you agree that the offence of possession or bearing weapons, ammunition or components that are for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces or the National Police is to be defined, without affecting firearms permitted for civilian use, reforming the Organic Comprehensive Penal Code in accordance with the Annex to the question?

Do you agree that weapons, their parts or parts, explosives, ammunition, or accessories that were instruments or material object of a crime, Can they be used immediately by the National Police or the Armed Forces to amend the Integral Criminal Code in accordance with the Annex to the question?

Do you agree that the State should proceed to be the owner (owner) of goods of illicit or unjustified origin, simplifying the procedure of the Organic Law of Extinction of Domain, according to the Annex to the question?

Autor: teleSUR/ACJ

Fuente: EFE // Cubahora