Vladimir Putin Invites President Nicolas Maduro to BRICS Meeting

President Maduro and his Russian homologue Vladimir Putin, July 2024 Photo: @BRICSInfo
August 2, 2024 Hour: 7:57 pm
The information was shared by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Yvan Gil, who points out that the invitation of the Russian leader was made in his capacity as BRICS president.
The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin invited Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to attend the BRICS Outreach/BRICS Plus meeting of leaders from the member states of the grouping.
BRICS Identified as a Key Component of the Emerging World Order by Putin
The information was shared by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Yvan Gil, who points out that the invitation of the Russian leader was made in his capacity as BRICS president.
The event to be held in Kazan from 23 to 24 October, we believe, says Putin, It will provide a constructive impetus to resolve regional and global agendas and encourage the consolidation of collective efforts in order to build a just and democratic system of relations international.
On the meeting “BRICS and global south: building a better world together”, Vladimir Putin said that the personal participation of Nicolas Maduro “will enrich the next discussion, help to identify promising areas of multilateral cooperation for the benefit of the world majority.
“It will undoubtedly contribute to a further progressive development of Russian-Venezuelan relations. I will be delighted to see you in Kazan”, said the Russian head of state.
On 11 July, the Russian leader had stated that “the BRICS are one of the key elements of the emerging multipolar world order, which increasingly reflects the interests and aspirations of the Global South and East. We are open to strengthening cooperation with all countries expressing interest in the activities of the group”.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: @YvanGil