Viet Nam’s President Ask for the Solidarity and Sincerity Between the Nations

Vietnamese President, To Lam, Sept 24, 2024 Photo: UN
September 24, 2024 Hour: 9:38 pm
Tô Lâm welcomed the decision to grant traditional rights and privileges of participation to the State of Palestine.
Vietnam’s president, Tô Lâm, said on Tuesday that during his speech at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, he hoped the period would be a success.
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Tô Lâm affirmed that solidarity, sincerity and trust between nations must be tirelessly strengthened, dialogue must be defended and unilateral embargoes and sanctions should be firmly opposed which are contrary to international law and the Charter of the United Nations.
The president also expressed his solidarity with the state and people of Cuba, and called on the United States (US) to lift the embargoes and sanctions against Cuba and remove the Caribbean country from the list of nations sponsoring terrorism.
Also welcomed the decision of the Assembly to grant traditional rights and privileges of participation to the State of Palestine.
In that sense, Tô Lâm, said that the world is undergoing transformative changes of historical significance, although they face “new and more serious challenges, the strategic competition between the major powers becomes wider, more fierce, and confrontational”.
The President said that “political disputes, conflicts and security intensify, and the space for survival and development is reduced when there are increased risks of conflict, new foci of conflict, arms race, tensions and direct clashes”.
The Vietnamese head of state also advocated for the promotion of justice and said that only through unity and trust, acting as one, can we build a world of peace and sustainable development and human dignity.
“The rise of power politics and selfish nationalism are challenging international law, eroding multilateral institutions and diminishing faith and global cooperation,” said Tô Lâm.
Similarly, Tô Lâm shared his nation’s vision of a more peaceful, stable, cooperative and prosperous future for all, and the observance of international law and the Charter of the United Nations should be promoted, including fundamental principles such as the peaceful settlement of disputes, non-use of force, sovereign unity, territorial integrity and respect for each nation’s political systems.
Autor: CC
Fuente: teleSURtv