Venezuela’s Parliament Begins Its Legislative Sessions For 2025

January 5, 2025 Hour: 11:29 am
This Sunday, January 5th, the National Assembly (AN) of Venezuela will commence its annual ordinary session period for 2025, as established by Article 219 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Prior to the installation session, the Parliament’s Board of Directors is scheduled to honor the Father of the Homeland, Liberator Simón Bolívar, with a floral tribute at Plaza Bolívar in Caracas, adjacent to the Federal Legislative Palace.
According to Article 219 of the Venezuelan Constitution, the first period of the ordinary sessions of the AN will begin without prior summons on January 5th each year and will last until August 15th.
Article 6 of the Internal Regulations and Debates of the National Assembly (Ridan) states that the AN will have a Board of Directors composed of a president or chairperson, a first vice president or vice chairperson, and a second vice president or vice chairperson.
Additionally, Article 7 of the Ridan indicates that for each position, the individual who receives the majority of votes from present deputies during the installation session will be elected. Article 8 specifies that nominations for all positions in the Board of Directors will be presented as a slate to the AN Plenary, which will decide by majority on the names of the main authorities of Parliament.
On the other hand, the Article 9 states that the elected president or chairperson will take an oath and then administer oaths to the rest of the Board of Directors and, in the case of the constitutional period installation session, to all present deputies.
Subsequently, the elected president or chairperson will officially declare the AN installed and notify public powers and representatives of Popular Power.
Then, according to Article 10, the AN will elect a secretary and a deputy secretary from outside its members by majority vote of the present deputies, who will also take an oath and assume their positions. The procedure outlined in Article 8 of the Internal Regulations and Debates (Ridan) will apply in all cases.
Article 11 of the legislative regulations, states that during the initial meeting of the ordinary sessions held on January 5 or the nearest date, deputies present will form a Commission under the direction of the current President of the Board of Directors or their legal substitute to elect a new Board of Directors.