Venezuela Rejects Terrorist Attack Carried Out Against Judges in Iran

Judges Mohammad Moghiseh and Hojatoleslam Ali Razini died un ataque armado este sábado frente a la Corte Suprema en Teherán. Photo: X/ @AgenciaAJN
January 18, 2025 Hour: 3:48 pm
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has strongly condemned the terrorist attack against judges Ali Razini, head of section 39, and Mohammad Moqiseh, head of section 53 of the Supreme Court of Justice of Iran, Today, in front of the headquarters of the judiciary in that country.
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Through an official statement, the Venezuelan government has expressed its solidarity with the people and the Iranian government in the face of this tragic event.
“Venezuela expresses its solidarity with the Iranian people and government in the face of this tragic event,” the statement reads.
The Bolivarian government also expressed the hope that those responsible for this criminal act would soon be identified and punished saying they “firmly believe that those responsible for this despicable crime will soon be identified and given the appropriate punishment.”
Venezuela has also extended its condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the attack, as well as expressing its wishes for the prompt recovery of the official who was injured in the attack.
In the framework of its policy of Diplomacy of Peace, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has emphatically rejected terrorism in all its forms and has deplored any act of violence aimed at generating fear and unrest among the civilian population.
The Government has pointed out that such acts are a clear violation of the right to life, liberty, security and the right to live in peace without fear.
Autor: ACJ