UPDATE: Floods Death in Brazil Toll Rises to 155
May 18, 2024 Hour: 3:40 pm
A total of 155 dead, 806 injured and 94 disappeared is the most recent toll of victims recorded by the Brazilian National Civil Defense, as a result of the floods that affect the south of the nation.
As of this Saturday, Brazilian authorities report the rescue of 82,666 people and 12,215 animals. Meanwhile, the state of Rio Grande do Sul has 2.3 million affected and, of these, 620,000 abandoned their homes. In 90 percent of the municipalities of the state, rains, floods and landslides have caused extensive damage.
Those affected by the floods amounted to 2,304,422 across the state. According to the Civil Defence bulletin, 461 municipalities were affected, 540,188 people were homeless and 77,202 others are in shelters. In addition to the deaths, 806 people were injured in the floods and more than 82,000 have already been rescued.
#Brazil #PortoAlegre #floodings #RioGrandedoSul #flooding #Canoas #flood – 5/18/24 update:
Deaths: 155 (154 RS+ 1 Santa Catarina)
Injuries: 806
Missing: 94Rescued: 82,666#Animals: 12,215 (registered)
Displaced: 617,390
Sheltered: 77,202
Accommodation: 540,188 pic.twitter.com/o0f4jJUHI4— ℹ️MiBaWi������������������������������������������ (@Michael45231497)
May 18, 2024
For its part, the regional government announced on Friday the construction of four “temporary cities” in Porto Alegre, Canoas, São Leopoldo and Guaíba to house the thousands affected.
In recent hours the level of the Guaíba River has fallen, but Porto Alegre (capital of Rio Grande do Sul) continues partially flooded. The historic center continues to overflowing and the city’s main airport is out of service indefinitely.
Meanwhile, the administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva organized a package of economic aid for the affected communities. The measure includes sub-loans, soft loans and the forgiveness of Rio Grande do Sul’s debt to the Treasury for the next three years.
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Autor: teleSUR/ACJ
Fuente: EFE // Agencia Brasil // teleSURtv.net