The People of Caracas Rally in Support of Reelected President Nicolás Maduro

Nicolas Maduro adressing the popular movilizaton of the people, July 30, 2024 Photo: PSUV
July 30, 2024 Hour: 7:22 pm
“We will defend the people from criminal fascism,” said Nicolás Maduro.
President Nicolás Maduro highlighted as a magnificent march, the mobilization of the Venezuelan people in different parts of the country, including the palace of Miraflores where it is located, in defence of democracy and the election results of 28 July.
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“We will defend the people from criminal fascism,” he said, while greeting «the soldiers of the fatherland. Today there is a lot of emotion and a lot of strength”.
“The united people will never be defeated,” chanted the people who arrived at Miraflores. “Chavez lives, the struggle continues,” Maduro said, humming to the people, while reporting that the criminals who knocked down Chavez’s statues are in prison and will be punished with all the rigor of justice and law. “Respect the history,” he said.
He told the Bolivarian leader that “the streets must be of the people. Until we restore peace, until we consolidate peace there are two actions that we will do: military and police patrols in all the cities of Venezuela and “people mobilized in the streets every day to restore peace and normality”.
“I need the help of the people to condemn the fascists,” Maduro insisted. “Fascism has broken out. We can never let our guard down. We have to emerge from every situation stronger,” he said.
Similarly, Maduro reflected that “the magnate Elon Musk got the obsession to take Venezuela and rule Venezuela from outside. And it is responsible for a large part of the attacks and aggressions. It is an alliance of the fascist extreme right”.
“We will again succeed on the path of peace and the Constitution,” he said, and recognized that a front of peace has been achieved: the economic front in broad recovery. And this is a planned Coup. They said that they would not recognize the CNE».
Likewise, he said they were involved in putting money into the Colombian and US drug trafficking. We have contained them; we will discover them and capture them all. And we emerge victorious.
“We need greater union of the popular forces,” said Maduro, recognizing also the work of the peace motorists. Perfect union of the people: Bolivarian Armed Forces and police forces coordinated in the territory.
“We cannot fail in the defense of the people,” he stressed, while the concentrated people shouted that “Maduro does not go away” and “Maduro, friend, the people are with you”.
Meanwhile, the president of Venezuela called the former opposition candidate of the extreme right Edmundo González Urrutia a coward, adding that “Do not mess with the humble woman of your house, with the man on foot. Here I wait for you in Miraflores, coward. Come and get me”.
“I hold Edmundo González Urrutia responsible for everything that is happening in Venezuela,” he said.
“Why don’t you think about the extreme right and criminality. Why not raise their voice to condemn fascism”, insisted Nicolás Maduro when referring to the Latin American presidents who have denied the legitimacy of the election result.
The dignitary reiterated that he has broken relations with the fascist governments of the continent.
From various platforms, including those of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), images of the journey of Venezuelans and Venezuelan women in the Miraflores Palace were published.
“The Chavista people in the streets rejecting violence and defending the victory of our brother president Nicolás Maduro,” said the first vice president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello.
Likewise. in the municipality of Iribarren in the state of Lara, the Chavista people took to the streets in defense of peace and rejecting incitement to hatred and fascist acts that have been committed in the nation.
«Here what is there is people!» the defenders of the Bolivarian Revolution specified.
Autor: CC
Fuente: teleSURtv