Tag: Science and Technology

Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to 3 Scientists for Work on Proteins
One of the discoveries being recognized this year concerns the construction of spectacular proteins, said Heiner Linke. On Wednesday, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to David Baker for computational protein design, and to Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper for protein structure prediction. RELATED: […]
October 9, 2024

Two Scientists Win Nobel Prize in Physics for Discoveries Enabling Machine Learning
Artificial neural networks have become integral to daily life, with applications such as facial recognition and language translation. On Tuesday, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics went to two scientists, John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton, for their foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning […]
October 8, 2024

Astronomers Glimpse a Bloated and Asymmetrical Exoplanet
The exoplanet WASP-107b has very low density and relatively low gravity, resulting in a more inflated atmosphere. An international team of astronomers, using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, has glimpsed an especially inflated and asymmetric exoplanet, revealing a significant difference between the two edges of its atmosphere. RELATED: China’s Tianwen-3 Mission To Bring Back Samples […]