Syria and Venezuela Ratify Bilateral Cooperation Agreements

March 20, 2024 Hour: 8:43 pm

The Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Syria, José Gregorio Biomorgi, met on Wednesday with the Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources of Damascus, Firas Qaddour.


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The meeting addressed issues of importance to both nations such as the mechanisms of joint action and the pathways for oil development in Caracas and Damascus.

The Syrian minister stressed the importance of expanding cooperation in the oil, gas and mineral resources sectors, in order to achieve the economic development of the two friendly countries.

Likewise, the Damascene minister made a formal invitation to Venezuelan companies to participate in development fairs, exchange experiences and knowledge, and learn about joint investment opportunities.

On the other hand, the Venezuelan diplomat ratified Venezuela’s willingness to collaborate and strengthen economic ties with the Syrian government.

Both diplomats agreed to hold a videoconference between the South American country’s oil minister, Pedro Rafael Tellechea, and his Syrian counterpart.

In addition to the meeting with the Ambassador with Firas Qaddour, Biomorgi also met with the Minister of Agriculture of Syria Mohamad Hassan Qatana, reviewed relations in the agricultural field, the exchange of products and the importance of bilateral agreements in this regard.

Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: sana

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