Presidential Candidates Nomination Continues in Venezuela

March 22, 2024 Hour: 2:26 pm
On Friday, the National Electoral Council (CNE) continued to receive candidate nominations for the presidential elections scheduled for July 28.
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CNE President Elvis Amoroso and the electoral magistrates received several opposition political organizations that will participate in the 2024 presidential election.
He recalled that the Venezuelan constitution and laws establish the requirements that aspiring candidates must meet. Once the documentation is analyzed, the CNE approves each candidate.
Accompanied by his team and supporters, lawyer Antonio Ecarri Angola submitted his documentation as a candidate of the Pencil Alliance. Addressing those present, he advocated for policies to reduce poverty, improve education, stimulate knowledge generation, strengthen the oil industry, and shape an economy that does not rely on fossil fuels.
Ecarri Angola also emphasized the importance of holding elections in an atmosphere of peace, tranquility, and harmony, with recognition of the laws and the CNE mandate. The Pencil Alliance candidate rejected the U.S. arbitrary sanctions imposed against his country.
On Friday, legislator Juan Carlos Alvarado went also to the CNE to present himself as a candidate of the Independent Political Electoral Organization Committee (COPEI), recalling that his organization has been participating for several years in dialogues for national stability, unity, and reconciliation.
Among other things, he commented that his government plan is inclusive, defended his country’s historical rights over the Essequibo, and emphasized that Venezuelans are the only ones who must solve their country’s problems without foreign interference.
#Ahora 4 movimientos políticos del Polo Patriótico, que agrupa a 11 partidos de izquierda, entran en el #CNE para firmar en apoyo al jefe de Estado venezolano @NicolasMaduro como candidato presidencial para la elecciones del #28julio @teleSURtv ����
— Adriana Sivori (@SivoriteleSUR)
March 22, 2024
The text reads, “Now, four political movements of the Patriotic Pole, which brings together 11 left-wing parties, enter the CNE to sign in support of the Venezuelan Head of State Nicolas Maduro as a presidential candidate for the July 28 elections.”
Yesterday, on the first day of registration of candidatures, the Simon Bolivar Great Patriotic Pole registered Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro as its presidential candidate.
The Democratic Action (AD) party nominated Luis Eduardo Martinez as its candidate, while the opposition movement Popular Will and the AREPA party proposed Daniel Ceballos as their presidential candidate.
The presidential candidate registration began on March 21st and will conclude on March 25th. To be able to run as a candidate, a citizen must meet the requirements demanded by law, present a government plan, and submit other documents required by the electoral authorities.
Between March 28th and April 1st, the CNE judges will analyze the documentation submitted and confirm who are the confirmed presidential candidates.
Before the ongoing candidate nomination process, the National Assembly conducted a large dialogue among all political organizations legally recognized by Venezuelan laws, aimed at establishing various electoral calendar proposals.
These were considered by the CNE judges, who set the final election date for July 28th, in honor of the birth of the Liberator Simon Bolivar.
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Autor: teleSUR/ JF
Fuente: VTV - teleSUR