Presidential Campaign Kicks Off in Venezuela

A woman holds a photo of President Nicolas Maduro, July 4, 2024. Photo: PSUV
July 4, 2024 Hour: 2:12 pm
The ‘Great March for Victory’ supporting Nicolas Maduro’s presidential candidacy will traverse 335 municipalities.
On Thursday, the Venezuelan United Socialist Party (PSUV) called for “the Great March for Victory” to support President Nicolas Maduro and his re-election candidacy in the July 28 elections.
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Coinciding with the official start of the presidential campaign, the Great March for Victory involves 70 mobilizations that will traverse 335 municipalities over the next 10 days. These massive events will be coordinated by the Great Patriotic Pole and other organizations supporting President Maduro.
On Thursday afternoon, thousands of students, young people, workers, women, and retirees will carry out 15 marches through the east and west of Caracas, culminating at the Miraflores Palace, the seat of the Venezuelan executive branch.
The Great March for Victory’s campaign events will also serve to pay tribute to Commander Hugo Chavez on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of his birth, which coincides with July 28.
“During the mobilizations, Venezuelans will demonstrate their conviction, loyalty, and commitment to the revolutionary process,” said PSUV Vice President of Mobilization Nahum Fernandez, emphasizing that “people will march with the joy and unity that characterize the Bolivarian Revolution.”
According to the National Electoral Council (CNE), political campaigns can be conducted from July 4 to July 25. Ten candidates from various ideological trends are running for the presidency of Venezuela.
In previous weeks, however, two right-wing candidates did not sign an agreement to recognize the electoral results and create a climate of peace and tranquility before, during, and after July 28.
The ongoing democratic process is taking place at a time when Venezuela is consolidating its economic recovery through a diversified productive model, which is not dependent on oil exports and is based on 18 key economic activities or “development engines.”
All this is happening despite the economic war that the United States and its European allies are waging against the Venezuelan nation through 930 unilateral restrictive measures.
Autor: teleSUR/ JF
Fuente: teleSUR - VTV