President Nicolás Maduro Urges the People’s Power to Deepen the Revolution in Venezuela

Nicolas maduro Speaking to the Bolivarian People, Aug 8, 2024 Photo: @PresidencialVE

August 8, 2024 Hour: 8:55 pm

The head of state announced that he signed «a point proposed by Conatel who has decided to take out the social network X for 10 days».

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro urged on Thursday to consolidate the territorial democracy base that commits to start an accelerated phase to reduce bureaucracy in government and strengthen the communal state.

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“I committed to advance in the reduction of bureaucracy, advance in direct government with the people, that’s why I ratify the call for consultative elections on August 25 for the projects of the 4,500 communal circuits,” he said.

In that sense, the head of state called to prepare, because after the consultation on the 25th, he would touch the period from November to December and then January to February; Then, he explained that the plan is to make a quarterly consultation. “That will allow to unbureaucratize the ministries and change what we have to change, and that the impulse of the budgets goes directly to the communities, to yield, to build. It is a revolution within the revolution. These are the changes and transformations that Venezuela needs,” the president said.

The president bet on “building the communal state, strengthening mechanisms of participation, grassroots leadership, strengthening the capacity of the government, communal democracy”.

He also stated that there is much work ahead, as it is necessary to persevere on the path of true and real democracy, strengthening the mechanism of participation and the capacity for self-government and persisting on the path of direct democracy.

Similarly, he noted that “the greatest vaccine Venezuela has against the cyber-fascist and criminal coup d’état is to consolidate communal power” throughout the national territory, while stating “Where there is a strengthened Commune and an active and consolidated Communal Council, fascism does not come”.

“Are we going to let fascism come and dissolve the communes, this beautiful experience of territorial socialism?” , asked the community members Nicolás Maduro, while they heard the famous slogan of the Comunas: “Commune or nothing”.

Coup d’état of the world right and technological empire

During the meeting with the Comunas and the Social Movements for Peace in Miraflores, President Nicolás Maduro denounced the coup d’état of the world right and the technological empire.

“A coup d’état of the world’s right and technological empire. A coup d’état to steal Venezuela’s sovereignty, independence and right to the future”, said the head of state. 

The dignitary also said that “they intended a cyber-coup of technological, fascist and criminal power. We are still under attack. Here we are in the streets with our people mobilized, working and building”.

«I will face the spying of the technological empire. The same as the social network called Twitter. It has violated. Inciting hatred, civil war. They have violated all the law. I signed a point proposed by Conatel that has decided to take out the social network X for 10 days», he said.

Similarly, the dignitary said that the Venezuelan fascist right did not prepare an electoral movement and party, but they prepared a criminal organization.

“Because they have always underestimated the people, and they have underestimated Chavez, and Maduro. Here we are standing, victorious and moving forward with the civic military union”, said Nicolás Maduro.

Meanwhile, the head of state stressed that «stop attacking Venezuela from outside», while insisting that Venezuelan social networks will be born. “This model was done against Evo Morales,” he reflected, while stressing that “they intended to make a human mess. What would happen? What would our people do if the dawn of political power was assaulted?”

There was an ambush to peace, he insisted at the time to emphasize that there was a “attack on social networks to poison the people”.

Autor: CC

Fuente: teleSURtv