President Maduro Denounces Argentine Mercenaries’ Threat to Venezuelan Peace

President Maduro also reaffirmed his support for men and women in uniform, urging them to remain vigilant and be ready for permanent combat Jan 6, 2025 Photo: VTV
January 6, 2025 Hour: 9:57 pm
President Maduro stated: “We have been strengthening direct, grassroots neighborhood democracy. That is why, before the end of 2024, we extended democracy with elections; for the first time in history, Judges and Justices of the Peace were elected, which today are a wonderful reality in every commune.”
President Maduro Assures Venezuela Will Move Toward Prosperity in 2025
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced that the Argentine government is involved in violent plans to undermine the peace of the country. “Thanks to intelligence work, we learned about the arrival of mercenaries from South America with the intention of attacking the life of Executive Vice President Delcy Rodriguez.”
“During December, the Venezuelan military and police worked to maintain peace and integrity in every community in the country, and now we can say that we have captured 125 mercenaries from 15 different nationalities who planned to carry out terrorist actions in Venezuela,” stressed the head of state.
He also reaffirmed his support for men and women in uniform, urging them to remain vigilant and be ready for permanent combat: “I am proud of the military and police personnel because they have guaranteed peace and tranquility in our country in the face of national and international fascist threats. I am proud of you, men and women in uniform. Stay alert and ready for permanent combat!”
President Maduro stated: “We have been strengthening direct, grassroots neighborhood democracy. That is why, before the end of 2024, we extended democracy with elections; for the first time in history, Judges and Justices of the Peace were elected, which today are a wonderful reality in every commune.”
In this sense, he assured that the struggle of the Venezuelan people to defend peace in every community will continue. “We will defeat the imperialists; we will continue to defend peace.That’s why every woman, man, and young Venezuelan has the right to peace, and it fills us with pride that the people will defend their homeland with the Judges and Justices of the Peace.”
Autor: MLM