President Maduro Congratulates Electoral Calendar Agreement

February 29, 2024 Hour: 7:13 am

On Wednesday, President Nicolas Maduro hailed as a success the national consensus reached among the Venezuelan political sectors regarding the proposed schedule for the 2024 presidential elections.


Venezuela: National Agreement on Electoral Calendar

The document was signed by 155 representatives of political organizations covering 97 percent of the organizations registered with the National Electoral Council (CNE). Among them were over 40 representatives from opposition political parties.

The Bolivarian leader congratulated the National Assembly President Jorge Rodriguez for the most inclusive dialogue process to date. For it reflects the Venezuelan political, religious, and cultural will.

Maduro pointed out that the electoral schedule agreement is a victory for national peace and sovereignty, opening the doors to the country’s economic, social, and political recovery.

“After almost a month of inclusive and interactive dialogue, all political, social, economic, cultural, intellectual, academic, and religious sectors signed a comprehensive document in the National Assembly, which encapsulates the best of the dialogues and agreements signed in the past in Mexico and Barbados. It has been exemplary work!” he said.

The Venezuelan president dubbed the text as “The Great Caracas Agreement,” which will be delivered on Friday to the CNE for evaluation of over 27 proposed dates for the elections.

“Venezuela will have presidential elections in 2024! The National Assembly carried out diligent and exemplary work framed in dialogue and understanding,” Maduro emphasized.

“Today we have a broad and inclusive agreement. It guarantees that there will be free, democratic, and inclusive elections in Venezuela. Whatever the electoral authorities say is: Amen!” he added.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: VTV