President Maduro Announces New Popular Consultation to Finance Community Projects in Venezuela

The Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro during the First National Meeting of Communal Circuits. Photo: X/ @PresidencialVen
July 6, 2024 Hour: 4:48 pm
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro called for a new National Popular Consultation, to be held on August 25, and authorized the executive vice president, Delcy Rodriguez, to approve the necessary funds to finance the projects that came in second place, during the Consultation last April 21.
Venezuela: Popular Consultation Advances Strengthening Democracy
Maduro announced the new consultation during the First National Meeting of Communal Circuits, held in Barquisimeto, Lara state.
“I committed myself, and to the community that is elected its project by popular vote, I finance the project that came second, immediately,” the national executive declared. He also told Vice President Rodriguez to “proceed to deposit the money to those 220 communities”.
The head of state announced that “we will make a quarterly consultation, four consultations a year, for infrastructure projects, utilities, selected by you at the base without interference from bureaucrats or technocrats!”
This initiative, emanating from both the People’s Power and the Communal Power, is described by the head of state as the “only formula there is,” to prevent Venezuela from being dominated by a “system of savage capitalism” and that “retreat to a democracy of oligarchical elites and minorities”.
Maduro explained that these actions will allow the country to “move towards a direct democracy where the people have power.” Democracy, elections, People’s Power! he have said.
On past April 21, Venezuelans attended to polls stations during a National Consultation called “Communes Can Do More” to allow them to choose 4500 and prioritize development projects.
The Ministry of Communes and Social Movements then explained that the choice of projects, financed by the Government and implemented by the communities themselves, seeks to improve collective life.
The Venezuelan president also ordered the elaboration of a better definition of the existing communal circuits, with which the system of consultation of these instances is perfected, instructed to form for next Monday, July 8, a “new and powerful national community commission for agricultural transportation.”
Fuente: VTV // X: @PresidencialVen