Polls Show That 88.2% of Peruvians Disapprove Dina Boluarte as President

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte, June 3, 2024 Photo: EFE
June 5, 2024 Hour: 1:31 am
The report reflects that 81.2 percent believe that Boluarte should leave his post “as soon as possible”.
The 88.2 percent of Peruvians disapprove of the performance of the country’s president, Dina Boluarte, in what goes on in her management, revealed a survey conducted by the market and opinion research company (CIP).
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Only 8.1 per cent approved, while 3.7 per cent did not. Meanwhile, in the interior of the country the rejection is greater with 89.8 percent, compared to 85.6 percent in Lima, the capital, and Callao.
The report also shows that 81.2 percent believe that Boluarte should leave his post “as soon as possible” before the consultation: “Considering the stability and development of the country, would you say that President Dina Boluarte should continue in her position as president until 2026 or that she should finish her term sooner?”.
Only 15.7 percent of the participants think that Boluarte should stay at the head of the government.
CPI survey confirms high percentage of rejection of the Pdta management. Dina Boluarte:
According to RPP, 88.2% disapprove, 8.1% approve and 3.7% do not know/do not have an opinion
Disapproval is greater among women, registering 90.1% in a survey as of June 2 at the national level
According to the regions, 88.3% of the country believes that it should end urgently, while in Lima and Callao the figure is 69.2%.
Likewise, the CPI showed that the level of approval of Congress reached a mere 4.1 percent, before 93.0 percent that disapproves and 2.9 percent that does not need.
With respect to the investigation for alleged illicit enrichment and failure to declare jewelry that forced the president to testify before the Attorney General’s Office, 89.6 percent of respondents consider her guilty compared to 2.8 percent who believe otherwise.
Autor: CC
Fuente: Sputnik