Panamanian Farmers Reject the Indio River Reservoir

January 9, 2024 Hour: 2:16 pm

On Monday, the Farmers for Life Coordinator, the Donoso & Omar Torrijos Awake Movement, and the Farmers for the Earth Coordinator agreed to reject the Indio River reservoir and demanded the closure of Minera Panama.


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The producer organizations rejected the different projects presented by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), which insists on creating a multipurpose reservoir in the Indio River to accumulate water and facilitate the transit of ships through the interoceanic route.

Panamanian farmers maintain that water is of utmost importance for life and that the arguments presented by the ACP are neither sufficient nor convincing.

They also mentioned that the construction of the Indio River reservoir would generate disastrous environmental consequences.

The text reads, “A reservoir on the Indio River continues to be the main bet to face challenges from climate change.”

At their meeting, the farmers presented a detailed document containing their joint demands, which have been substantiated with the support of the Catholic Church and professionals from different technical areas.

Among the demands presented are the defense of their lands, rivers and lives from the threats caused by large metal mining projects.

The producer organizations also demand that the Panamanian state immediately create a social and technical commission for the closure of Minera Panama.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: Estrella de Panama