Panama: Money Laundering and Human Trafficking Network Derailed

May 14, 2024 Hour: 6:33 pm
On Tuesday, the Panamanian Prosecutor dismantled a network of human trafficking from Asia. In addition to capturing those involved, he confiscated assets and bankrupted pseudo money-laundering companies of the migrant network.
Prosecutor Emeldo Marquez reported that more than $2 million in assets and money were confiscated, which had been obtained through the smuggling of migrants that was generated during the period from 2017 to 2019.
The organization involved trafficked Asian nationals into the national territory, charging $23,000 for each person trafficked.
Marquez also said at a press conference that the detainees are four men and one woman whose identity was not revealed, properties in Panama, Coclé and Bocas del Toro were also raided.
��En conferencia de prensa, el Fiscal Superior contra la Delincuencia Organizada, Emeldo Márquez da detalles de la #OperaciónAsia en la que se desarticuló una organización integrada por personas de origen asiático, presuntamente vinculadas al delito de blanqueo de capitales.��
— Procuraduría General de la Nación (@PGN_PANAMA)
May 14, 2024
��En conferencia de prensa, el Fiscal Superior contra la Delincuencia Organizada, Emeldo Márquez da detalles de la #OperaciónAsia en la que se desarticuló una organización integrada por personas de origen asiático, presuntamente vinculadas al delito de blanqueo de capitales.��
— Procuraduría General de la Nación (@PGN_PANAMA)
May 14, 2024
The text reads,
At a press conference, the Senior Prosecutor against Organized Crime, Emeldo Márquez, gave details of Operation Asia in which an organization composed of persons of Asian origin, allegedly linked to the crime of money laundering, had been disbanded.
“We have been able to effectively determine the seizure of four vehicles for an amount of more than 203,000 dollars, two farms above 350,000 dollars, four fixed terms in the amount of 850,000 dollars, 16 bank accounts in different banks in the amount of 916,000 dollars, which makes a total of over 2 million dollars,” he added.
Panamanian authorities said they do not rule out further arrests of alleged members of this human trafficking network.
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC
Fuente: efe-latribuna