Open Arms Humanitarian Aid Ship Arrives in Gaza

JERUSALÉN, 15/03/2024.- El barco de la ONG española Open Arms y del World Central Kitchen (WCK) alcanzó esta tarde las costas de la asediada Franja de Gaza y ya está descargando parte de las 200 toneladas de comida que transporta. “Ya están descargando a través de un camión grúa”, confirmaron a EFE fuentes de la embarcación, que inaugura el primer corredor humanitario marítimo hacia Gaza con el objetivo de paliar el hambre en el enclave palestino, ante la escasa ayuda que Israel todavía permite llegar por tierra tras cinco meses de guerra. EFE/Ejército de Israel -SOLO USO EDITORIAL/SOLO DISPONIBLE PARA ILUSTRAR LA NOTICIA QUE ACOMPAÑA (CRÉDITO OBLIGATORIO)-

March 15, 2024 Hour: 8:17 pm

Humanitarian aid sent by the Spanish NGO Open Arms and the World Central Kitchen (WCK) has arrived in Palestine and the 200 tons it brought are being unloaded.


Palestinian Authority Fears Consequences of Rafah Operation

This is the first ship to travel along a future maritime aid channel to Gaza, carrying medical supplies and food in the face of Israel’s land blockade.

The leadership of the mission was divided between Open Arms, the maritime rescue NGOs, which supplied the vessel, and WCK, which was responsible for providing the content of the aid.

The WCK already has more than 65 kitchen posts in Palestine, these headquarters will be responsible for distributing the aid received.

The situation in Gaza is of concern to the international community because, according to the United Nations, one quarter of the population of Gazati suffers from hunger.

However, according to the Palestinian Authority, there will be a higher rate of famine thanks to the imminent operation in Rafah, and there will be an increase in the number of deaths, which now number more than 31000.




Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: efe-euronews