Nicolás Maduro Accepts and Thanks PSUV Presidential Nomination

March 16, 2024 Hour: 3:44 pm

During a massive act held in the Poliedro de Caracas, the incumbent president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, accepted the grassroot nomination for the oncoming presidential race.


PSUV Fifth Congress Ratify Maduro as Presidential Candidate

“Given the decision taken by the people in the territory and that has ratified this V Extraordinary Congress of the PSUV and this IV Extraordinary Congress of the JPSUV, I say that I accept the presidential candidacy for the elections of July 28,” announced the president.

In turn, Diosdado Cabello pointed out the election of Maduro Moros as the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is the result of 317.187 grassroots assemblies, in which 4,240,032 PSUV militants nominated the current president.

“I have been walking the streets in a beautiful meeting with the people, traveling from point to point our country. Wherever you go, what you find is a patriotic people, full of heroism, but above all, full of hope,” said the head of state during the event in Caracas.

“Never mind censuring me, forbid me, pursue me, but here is only one fate: the popular victory on July 28, 2024”, referring to the current campaigns of defamation and destabilization, diplomatic pressures against the Bolivarian Revolution.

He recalled that the American empire has always been, and in spite of the fact  the people always win, in turn he denounced the sabotage to the electrical service, the coups of state against them, mercenary operations, and I call to reflect that the people have always been the winner and will always be.

The president pointed out that they are heading for a great popular triumph ”let’s go to the great popular movement for the victory of this July 28′, called the president, and added that ”nothing and no one will take the victory from the hands.”

Autor: teleSUR/ACJ

Fuente: @PresidencialVen//teleSUR English