Peruvian Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office Thursday revealed that Alan Garcia, who served as president from 1985 to 1990 and from 2006 to 2011, carried out unusual real estate transactions through apparently ghost companies in 2015.
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"The former president invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in suspicious operations that could be the source for acts of corruption," the Attorney General's Office reported.
Garcia, who committed suicide in 2019 when he was about to be arrested for another corruption scandal, handed over a US$900,000 management check to Tesla Real Estate Investments in 2015.
"Earlier that year, this company was founded with a capital of US$60 by the businesswomen Karina Leuridan and Carolina Menbrillo. During an investigation, Leuridan denied knowing the president or having received money from him," the report explains.
In 2018, the company returned to the former president the amount he invested plus US$240,000 in interest. Almost immediately, Garcia placed US$840,000 in Aurora Sac.
This company invested that money in a real estate project owned by Trixter SAC Real Estate Investments, which was also created with a US$60 capital.
"Suspicions shot up when the Public Prosecutor's Office perceived that Tesla, Aurora SAC, and Trixter have the same legal address," the report states.
The Prosecutor's Office currently seized this operation after considering that the money has an illicit origin. Meanwhile, the relatives of the deceased claim that money as part of their inheritance.